Tuesday, February 24, 2009

doN't ReAd TiiS

aM A cErTiFiDe BLoGgER

eiiii dear blogger... I'm a first timer and i don't know what to right in my blog. today is February 26, 2009... I started writing my blog yesterday. I end up copying things in the internet and... its against the rule. so, today i am trying to work on my own thing. I am now beside ivy
who is also busy typing and keni also busy... singing. I dont think they know that they're included in my blog today. I am a multi tasking person, typing while eating dingdong... crazy huh! thanks to my sponsor, tadah... joy. I love watching people busy(and make fun with them of course). yeah... I saw maven sneaking with rae-kareen's screen. keni have just called kier's attention for being noisy and end up laughing with each other. errold and nonoy is busy gossiping. andrew who's now wearing his red jacket is roaming around instead of doing his blog. hungry again? dynah have just bought bread sticks to joy(class' convenience store haha) and she's back in her seat... i am now having fun doing this job but my hands are already freezing in coldness. oh, i thought andoi is just roaming around he is actually getting our URL. my bad... well, i really love food. obvious in my body type, thin and skinny... kier can justify... haha i cant believe i'm talking trashy. this is nonsense... haha i saw someone's sucking her thumb. does it taste good? can i try it?... nahhhhhhhhh! im not in the mood now... can somebody get me out in here?... kidnap me! haha geeeeezzz... i have gone crazy for a while...

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