Saturday, March 14, 2009


eiii bloggers... just want to share the story of a taiwanese movie "I not stupid 2"

The main casts of the movie were three teenagers which are Tom, Jerry and Tom’s best friend, Chencai. Chengcai has a single parent, his father. He is 15 year old and since his mother left, the way his father disciplines him is very harsh. It’s been 13 years since the last time his father gave an appreciation and recognition to him as well as well as hearing the word “I love you”. Another was the story of Tom. He is good in computers. His father hates it every time he touches his laptop. There was a time when his father had a presentation for business, he had nothing to present to his clients because his laptop was damage by virus. What his son did, He fixed the laptop and immediately brought it to his father’s office. When he handed it to his father instead of receiving a thank you, he was scolded for his father thought that he escaped from school and he is not taking his studies seriously. So, he left carrying a burden to his father. Tom has a younger brother, jerry. He was chosen to be the leading actor on their recital. His teacher kept on bragging him to invite his parents to see him for the show. But he find it hard to confront his parents because they can hardly be catch and talk to at home for they are always busy with their own work. In fact, they only communicate through note in the refrigerator. His father mentioned that he earns $500 an hour with his voice alone. He thought of saving money to pay at least one hour of his father for the recital. But since his savings was not enough, he decided to steal the money left unattended by the cashier in their canteen. Their parents tried to make it up to them but still they don’t know what their children needs. But they came to a point of realizing that the situation is already complicated and they began to realize their faults and shortcomings. In the end, they reconcile and try to build a strong relationship with each other.

The central theme of the movie was about appreciation, it is an act of valuing either a thing or a person, and recognition is an act of avowal or acknowledgement or to indicate appreciation. Both of these come along with each other. When you appreciate, you gave value on things you received from others. And when you recognize, you act out or proclaim how you value someone or how you appreciate their goodness.
But it is true that we can hardly see it with our naked eyes nor feel with our own hearts. It felt like sometimes we are being injected with anesthetics, we became numb and unable to feel the people around us who cares and loves us. We fail to say anything in return with someone’s good deed even show or let them feel how we value them. It is sad that we always have to go to an end before we realize the worth of someone we loved. We come to an end with regrets in our hearts. We regret those days when we are unable to say thank you whenever our classmate helps us out on our assignments, forget to say simple appreciation like wow, great, wonderful, awesome whenever our friend shares that she got a 90 on her major subject, or even say the word “I love you” to our parents for providing us care and giving all that we need. Later when we realize those things, it is already late, they are already too far from us and worst is they are already gone. We are so confident of the things and people we have around us to the extent of we are already taking them for granted.
I, at this point of my life, have already experienced and currently experiencing this kind of situation. It is so hard for me to notice and appreciate the goodness of someone, hard for me to take good care and value their worth and hard for me to show how I really feel towards them and how they really mean to me. I am now hoping and praying for the forgiveness of people I have taken for granted. And trying to fix the conflicts and retrieve the things that are already gone. So, the best thing we could ever do is to treasure every little thing that is coming and happening to us. Let us make use of our time and do the things we have to do before time passes us by. Let us not be afraid of showing what we really feel and giving compliments to people. Let’s shower them with lots of compliments everyday, remind them how you appreciate them, how you care for them and how you love them or even say sorry for all of your shortcomings and selfishness. It feels good receiving a simple compliment from others, it feels good of feeling so worthy to them and it feels good knowing that you have made someone else’s day. Words are very powerful, we can destructs and even curse someone if we speak tactlessly or construct goodness and bless them with our words of wisdom. In our simple words, we can lighten and boost not only someone’s day but it can be everybody’s day. Let us be reminded that great things happen with simple things.


A pieCe oF me

Most people think that they know me in and out but sad to say, they don’t know me at all. They judged me with their eye closed and label me as how they perceive me, but the truth; there is more than just in me. It made my life so ironic that I kept whining about.

I won’t deny that there are people who really know me, but, there are more in me to discover than to what they behold me. Some would say I’m bitter and strict but little they know I’m just a person who seeks attention and worth. Some were amazed thinking I’m too optimistic in facing the challenges of my life and strong enough to fight off whatever problem may go against my journey. But God knows how weak and destructible I am behind my mask of vigour. Other think I’m cynic and vicious but heck that they know that I care so much for others. Underneath this mask is a person who has the heart and will to be understood by others but still hesitant for they might not appreciate a bit of my being.

I have my own weakness, afraid of being not accepted, scared of being turned down and terrified of being frustrated. I don’t want any commitment though I love to be loved. I made promise that somehow and sometimes was made broken. I am vulnerable to temptations, I seldom withstand on things that has been pledged not to do. I may sometimes set aside the people who care for me. I am sensitive and jealous but I am always professing not to be trying to hide in the shadows of happiness. I’m convinced of the fact that I portrait many personalities. I was once a sweet child who brings joy to everybody. Also, a teenager who begins to savour and trying to survive the life that challenges my being. I’ve been also a lover who loves being loved and got hurt. Lastly, I was praying of being a fully grown Christian, to get over my drunkenness in worldly lusts, to abide in Golden rules and to have nirvana in life with the Almighty God.

nOt an EmO

Love is undeniably a fantasy.
It is all about acting and saying things corny.
It is when you go weird and think like crazy
And think twice if this is already the reality.
(My very own symphony… :)

“L-O… L-O… L-O-V-E” Who can’t ever relate to this word? Even animals know how to love and be loved. Some say love is short, so learn to live it… love is great, so grab it… so do memories. Memories are sweet, so then cherish it. We cannot be grateful for what we have received, then let us be thankful for what we have been spared. You can see me alone, sitting, head turns down and looks so sad… but I’m not an emo… I’m just… EMOL! With big letter “L”… la kwarta.(advertisement ni)… goin’ back to the topic… I think each one of us have our own stories about LOVE (ngyeeeee, haha) it’s because Love exempts nobody whether you like it or not I’ll just come on your way. It maybe not like the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet but it’ll surely be distinctive among others. (aoootx, col of nature haha) awwhhraaiieett… mine goes like this. It just ended when it is about to start (familiar huh?) I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but it’s just that I think I don’t want to be deeply attached with someone. Its not that I don’t want to but I just can’t. I have so many things to prioritize than to think about it. I consider myself as a grown up but when it comes to this matters I just can’t help myself to act such an immature attitude. I know how it goes but I just don’t know when to start. I think I had the right thing at the wrong time but even though many say life is short there are still many things to happen within this short time. I don’t know if I would believe in destiny but I think it goes with the will, our will. If we are eager to do things in our way it’ll surely happen and if faith will denounce it, we can’t do anything but wait. Every time I try to enter, I just end up hurting the one who’s giving me affection. It’s like a cycle; I do terrible things then repent and then do it all over again. Well this is a subject called life, no one can be so sure and perfect of all things. What goes around comes around. It always gives you back what you give out. It’s a mirror, mirror of our own actions. Life is not a coincidence but an echo of our own doings.

by God's GraCe

Mornings signifies that we are again given another chance to live, a chance to see our loved ones and a chance of making difference in accordance with the will of our Almighty God. A brand new day is God’s means of providing us new blessings, blessings to thank for and blessings to learn and fight for. We usually perceive positive things as the only blessings sent by God but as we go beyond the true purpose of our trials and challenges we could hypothesize and eventually conclude that it is also a part of God’s blessings. Trials, challenges and temptations are made for us to know our real existence here on earth. They are instruments of making our lives worth living and firm us as well. But it could never be considered as a blessing if we live it without learning and gaining lessons out of it.
Before, I always perceive my challenges and trials as a bad luck and address it negatively. I often blame it to someone, easily give up, start to loose hope and even overlook my faith in God. I usually keep it in myself and see it as an end. But God used my friends; His instruments for me to genuinely get near in Him and betterly know Him. I slowly discovered and uncovered my strengths and overcome my weaknesses. I have now a positive outlook in life and handle things well.
In my everyday living I have encountered varieties of ups and downs. There was a time that we were practicing our presentation for the intramurals late at night; it came to a point that we were cornered by two opposing groups (gangsters) carrying knives and guns. We were covered with tension and our faith was test. We were stuck on the corner crying and praying. I hold on to my faith, ask for safety and it was heard. The barangay tanod came and eradicated the tension. That was a big relief to among of us. Even in simplest things, there are times that I feel so pressured in conforming to school requirements but I always find time to meditate and communicate with Him. He serves as my source of energy as well as a part of my system that completes me as a whole.
I believe that God is our great saviour and provider. He is the way, the truth and the light. Through Him, in Him and with Him all things are possible.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


hey dear Bloggers...
by the way its my first time to create a blog. My full (fool) name is Karen May P. Francisco. I really really love writing but blogging is such a big scare. At first it was just a hobby but now I think this could be my stepping stone to the wold of publishing industry... naaaaaaahhhhh! it was just a fantasy, its not the real thing, its still a hobby. Actually I am now studying as a nursing student, yeah give it up nurses... I am now on my second year in Brokenshire College. People say that taking up nuring is just a walk on a Park... Park huh! yeah right it is more like in a JURASIC park... soooo, If you have any interest on taking this course, better yet find something else while it is still early. just kidding! I actually started to love this course just right now, as in now. joke! but at first I really had a hard time coping with this whole medical things. Sometimes i felt like crying and thinking of quiting and try something easier but... I realized that i should have taken this in the very first place. weeee. another joke! just want to spice this up a little bit. Actually I realized that things can only be easy if we'll put on effort and hard work and of course Faith, faith in yourself and capabilities and faith in God. We had just our case presentation earlier and its so overwhelming that your hard work made into a success. Even though there are still things to be revised but it still a great experience and accomplishment. See, I learned. I think this day went just so fine. Those sleepless and restless nights was over but I think this is just a commencement part of my life. this could be an end for a new beginning. The beginning of my journey in jurasic world. I have to survive and get through the finish line for the survival of my family. Another lie. of course everyone who really wants to be in their desired profession really want to get through and achieve their goals. (i'm freezing!!!) And before you will be able to start working for your goal, you have to set first objectives, plans and your interventions. but don't torture yourself. have fun! don't forget to get out and play! after those Hard working days, why not go out and meet your friends. But we have to take things with homeostasis... balance is the key. I think i'll just cut it out here... Have a happy Journey! sayoonara!!! GB