Saturday, March 14, 2009


A pieCe oF me

Most people think that they know me in and out but sad to say, they don’t know me at all. They judged me with their eye closed and label me as how they perceive me, but the truth; there is more than just in me. It made my life so ironic that I kept whining about.

I won’t deny that there are people who really know me, but, there are more in me to discover than to what they behold me. Some would say I’m bitter and strict but little they know I’m just a person who seeks attention and worth. Some were amazed thinking I’m too optimistic in facing the challenges of my life and strong enough to fight off whatever problem may go against my journey. But God knows how weak and destructible I am behind my mask of vigour. Other think I’m cynic and vicious but heck that they know that I care so much for others. Underneath this mask is a person who has the heart and will to be understood by others but still hesitant for they might not appreciate a bit of my being.

I have my own weakness, afraid of being not accepted, scared of being turned down and terrified of being frustrated. I don’t want any commitment though I love to be loved. I made promise that somehow and sometimes was made broken. I am vulnerable to temptations, I seldom withstand on things that has been pledged not to do. I may sometimes set aside the people who care for me. I am sensitive and jealous but I am always professing not to be trying to hide in the shadows of happiness. I’m convinced of the fact that I portrait many personalities. I was once a sweet child who brings joy to everybody. Also, a teenager who begins to savour and trying to survive the life that challenges my being. I’ve been also a lover who loves being loved and got hurt. Lastly, I was praying of being a fully grown Christian, to get over my drunkenness in worldly lusts, to abide in Golden rules and to have nirvana in life with the Almighty God.

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